Does true love exist in this 21st century or has it dissolved itself in romantic novels, movies or old tales. In movies, novels and all we can hear about the stories of great lovers like Radha and Krishna, Romeo and Juliet, Heer and Ranjan, Shah Jahan and Mumtaz and the new one Jodha and Akbar, I never knew that they were great lovers until and unless I saw the movie, but who is greatest lovers in this century? Are they among us??
Well one quote has always attracted me a lot, and that is “The only constant thing in this world is change” and that’s there everything has changed even the meaning of love.
Just look around you can you see anyone committed with one person for a long time without any conditions. An unconditional love, is it there?? For the youngsters like us making a boyfriend and girl friend has just became a “Fad” not even “fashion” as fashion remains to be for a longer period in the market. It’s like wearing a branded stuff. Take a case of guys they prefer to have a Rebook or Nike shoes, Pepe jeans and say a cool Peter England shirt, fast track’s sunglasses and off course can it be less than swizz watches, well if you can afford one or say titan watches and to fit all these things they prefer a well build gym body, but still the poor chap can’t be glamorous fellow until and unless he got a girl friend. Don’t be in so hurry you think any girl will do for such brand conscious and glamour’s guys no, here you make the mistake. They want beautiful, sexy and smart girls. Guys one more thing you got to have a big heart to spend likewise because money has its own language and glamour. Now let’s look at the other picture what does a girl do and what is her perception about love and boy friends.
Few decades before, we use to hear that the girl from a well off family ran away with the milk-man, post-man, driver etc.. but now it has changed even girls have changed, they know that milk-man, post-man can’t be your lovers as status matters.
Although till now in some areas even I do agree our society is a male dominated society, but not like before girls are becoming smarter and her perception is changing, very few girls prefer to get married have kids and settle down, they want their own independence, free of thought and off course a glamour’s guy who can be carried like a branded accessories. Girls still prefer a guy who is much more capable than her, its female psychology.
So where is love gone either it’s hiding under your conditions or under your circumstances you name it or blame it.
If you have something unique or something common it should match with the trend, then you will get love.
Funny world with funny people, but I still love this world because I am also the part of it may be funny!!
hmm...this one s just fine.. this one seems like u have something against ppl falling for materialistic love... but it s true.. things have changed a lot
ohh itz jz a copy cat of ma perception...well ma take on dis iz obviously a rezealiant one n quite true...love is something that thrown away like anything..yeh itz na jus an improvisation itz a matter of truth..earlier love was felt but today it is assessed...RADHA and KRISHNA wont fall in luv in this century unless and until they are radha AMBANI and krishna MALLIYA...BRANDED LOVE hence proved..
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