Saturday, December 06, 2008

A splendid evening with Andy

“Oh those white legs, they look so sexy!” screamed Andy , I just kept my coffee on table and looked at Andy , he said “look there” and I could see two pairs of leg of two old white men sitting inside an auto. Then I gave a glance to Anu and Faiz and we all broke into laughter and I said “Andy, you are so crazy for whites that you didn’t even notice it is leg of old men” and he said “Jinsy, I am crazy for whites and I don’t care if it’s man or women, anyway white females are so hot” and I was aghast as I noticed his face, it was blushing, it became like chocolate and his eyes were looking like chocolate chips as Andy’s complexion is dark so it can’t be better than the color of chocolate and his eyes better than chocolate chips, to describe as well as to look :)
Okay ! now let me introduce you to Andy. An MBA in marketing and systems, good guitarist and singer, he was born in Kuwait, brought up in India and wants to become an American, so, sometimes he tries to talk like American Yankee by rolling the ‘R’s ‘and joining words :). He is very obsessed about his hair, and he takes very good care of it, in fact, he washes it with drinking water, now don’t assume his hair to be as long as Arjun Rampal’s in the movie “Rock on”, Andy has small hair which is properly trimmed and managed well. His second obsession is his complexion. Since he wants to be an American and passionate about whites he wants to look fair. In spite of using tubes of fair and handsome poor chap couldn’t make it better. Well it’s not his mistake, in the advertisement Shahrukh really gives hopes and inspiration to guys by making all hot beauties dance around the guys while saying “hi handsome”. His third obsession is to carry himself well, he always has good attire to match the situation, in fact always formals .So this was the small introduction about Andy. Being my batch mate and best friend of my best friend that is Anu he became my friend.
Now let’s get back to the CafĂ© CoffeeDay (CCD) and a splendid evening with Andy. This was our last meeting since all our exams were over and everyone of us were going back to our places for our respective tasks, so the mood was little gloomy , but the aroma of coffee and chocolate sauce in CCD and rain outside which we saw from the glass window of CCD made the mood light and relaxing. We were talking less and each one of us were looking outside to see the hustle and bustle of people due to rain and now and then we would give glance to each other and sometimes laughter would break out or just a simple smile. At times we would even do some conversation to lighten up the mood. Among all these things I forget to mention about one character that is Faiz, a good and renowned dancer of our batch and very quiet guy especially if he is in group. Once being my boy enemy and now a friend, we does not have much to talk, because if we talk it wouldn’t be more than fights so I thought not to awaken the devils residing in him and make the scenario worst. But he as usual would like to start of with some conversation which would make me and Anu bit irritated and all of a sudden in such situation the scream about white legs made us laugh with our heads on heels.
When Andy said “Jinsy, Iam crazy about whites” I said “even they are crazy for blacks” and then I noticed his face he was looking somewhat lost. I think may be in the dream of some white. After a long pause Andy broke his silence may be after thinking a lot he said “If India was as prosperous country like America then we could has also outsourced our services to Americans, and just imagine all the whites would come to me for jobs” after hearing this Faiz’s got very exited and I just noticed his face, his excitement made his eyes come out of his socket and he said “yeah! All the white girls will be after us for jobs, and if I am hiring I will hire only girls” and I started wondering if really such situation happened then it will be very funny. It will be so hard to train Americans for accent, because in India there are so many accents. Malayalam accent, Tamil accent, Bihar accent, Bengali accent etc. Moreover only urban population of India speaks English and rest of the population speaks their own local language with such thoughts inside my skull I just looked at Andy and asked “how is it possible, only urban population in India speaks English?” He said “yeah”.
Now I am not writing this blog to pull someone’s leg or to play with anyone’s sentiment. I am just wondering how things can be changed, hope the time will come when we have enough jobs in India that we will have to outsource our work to Americans and as developed as America so that we won’t be called as third world countries and the youngsters like Andy ambition will not be to become American but INDIAN, but few things can’t be changed like Indians crazy for whites and Americans crazy for brownies.
Well no one can be blamed the other side of grass is always green!!

Monday, November 03, 2008


Sometimes life offers you different paths, all paths may elude you. One may look better than the other. In this dilemma, you might take a wrong path and the time when you realize that you have taken a wrong path and then it becomes the biggest mistake of your life. So think twice, analyze the entire situation, and think about the people who will be affected by your decision and then take further steps.
Whatever you do, do in such a way that you don’t regret in the end as opportunity will not knock every time you desire.
Don’t overrate your weakness, or try to run away from it and don’t be ignorant enough to hide your weakness with external sources. Your weakness is yours , all humans have weakness as no one is perfect, instead of taking external support try to face your weakness, analyze it and try to make it your strength , and the day when you make your weakness as strength that day you will get eternal bliss.
One should never forget that one’s existence is not for the self, but one’s existence may be the reason of thousand of existence.
When there is complete darkness in your life, the only hope you can have is that sometimes God’s blessings come by shattering all the windows.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Have Patience...

...have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. Try to look at the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books written in a foreign language. Do not now look for the answer, they cannot now be given to you because you could not live them. It is a question of experiencing everything. At present, you need to live the question. Perhaps you will gradually, without even noticing it, find yourself experiencing the answer some distant day.

- Rainer Maria

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Wish fulfilling tree!!

"We are shaped by our thoughts and become what we think. When the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves". Buddha
I think in everyone’s life there comes a time when a person takes a “U’ turn, it could be either because of some circumstances or a change in mind. Change in mind can lead to a revolution in life. A willingness to take responsibility and creation of our own misery, joy, negativity, positivity, hell or heaven can change our life and its outlook.
Here is the story which influenced me and changed my thinking as well as my perception towards life.
Once, a man entered paradise by accident. In paradise there is belief that there a wish-fulfilling trees. Sit under one of those trees, desire anything, and bingo…the desire is fulfilled. There is no gap between the desire and the fulfillment.
The man was so tired, that he slept under one of those wish-fulfilling trees.
When he woke up, he felt hungry. He desired food and immediately food appeared out of nowhere- floating in the air ….a variety of delicious foods. Ummm
He was so hungry that he did not bother to enquire where the food came from...
When you are hungry, you are not philosophical. He immediately started eating the delicious food. After a while he felt satisfied. Another thought arose in him ‘if only I could get something to drink.’ Immediately, precious wine appeared.
Drinking the wine leisurely in the cool breeze in paradise, under the shade of the tree, he started wondering. ‘What is going on?’ What is happening? Am I in a dream? Or are there some ghosts around who are playing tricks with me?”
And ghost appeared. They were ferocious, horrible and nauseating. And he started trembling, and a thought arose in him: “Now I am sure to be killed.”
And he was killed.
This parable is very ancient and has immense significance. Our minds are wish-fulfilling trees. Whatsoever we think is fulfilled, sooner or later. Sometimes the gap is so wide that one forgets what the desire was wished for? But by being observant and watching from your own personal experience, we will come to the understanding that it is our thought that is creating us and our life.
We create hell, we create heaven. We create misery and we create joy. We create the negative as well as the positive.
Everyone is unique. Like the spider that spins its own web and eventually get caught in it. We too are spinning in our webs and getting caught in them.
Thus, we have to understand this and I am sure things will start changing!!

Well remember one more thing “YOU ARE UNIQUE LIKE EVERYONE” !!