"We are shaped by our thoughts and become what we think. When the mind is pure joy follows like a shadow that never leaves". Buddha
I think in everyone’s life there comes a time when a person takes a “U’ turn, it could be either because of some circumstances or a change in mind. Change in mind can lead to a revolution in life. A willingness to take responsibility and creation of our own misery, joy, negativity, positivity, hell or heaven can change our life and its outlook.
Here is the story which influenced me and changed my thinking as well as my perception towards life.
Once, a man entered paradise by accident. In paradise there is belief that there a wish-fulfilling trees. Sit under one of those trees, desire anything, and bingo…the desire is fulfilled. There is no gap between the desire and the fulfillment.
The man was so tired, that he slept under one of those wish-fulfilling trees.
When he woke up, he felt hungry. He desired food and immediately food appeared out of nowhere- floating in the air ….a variety of delicious foods. Ummm
He was so hungry that he did not bother to enquire where the food came from...
When you are hungry, you are not philosophical. He immediately started eating the delicious food. After a while he felt satisfied. Another thought arose in him ‘if only I could get something to drink.’ Immediately, precious wine appeared.
Drinking the wine leisurely in the cool breeze in paradise, under the shade of the tree, he started wondering. ‘What is going on?’ What is happening? Am I in a dream? Or are there some ghosts around who are playing tricks with me?”
And ghost appeared. They were ferocious, horrible and nauseating. And he started trembling, and a thought arose in him: “Now I am sure to be killed.”
And he was killed.
This parable is very ancient and has immense significance. Our minds are wish-fulfilling trees. Whatsoever we think is fulfilled, sooner or later. Sometimes the gap is so wide that one forgets what the desire was wished for? But by being observant and watching from your own personal experience, we will come to the understanding that it is our thought that is creating us and our life.
We create hell, we create heaven. We create misery and we create joy. We create the negative as well as the positive.
Everyone is unique. Like the spider that spins its own web and eventually get caught in it. We too are spinning in our webs and getting caught in them.
Thus, we have to understand this and I am sure things will start changing!!
Well remember one more thing “YOU ARE UNIQUE LIKE EVERYONE” !!